#GST API Quickstart
#GST overview
GSTIN is a Goods and Services Tax Identification Number that is assigned to each individual registered under GST. It is a 15-digit unique identification number. GSTIN resolves as follows: The state code is represented by the first two digits of the 15-digit GSTIN. The PAN number for the individual or corporate entity is the following 10 digits. The thirteenth digit is depending on how many times the company has registered under the same PAN within a state.
#What is (website name) GST API?
With (website name)'s GSTIN Verification API, you can quickly confirm the GSTIN information of your clients for speedy KYC, vendor onboarding, business loan financing, and insurance needs.
#Steps to integrate
#1 — Start KYC and business documentation
This is started once (website name)’s Sales team has interacted with you and confirmed integration. You will need to add a few KYC details and review some agreements. Please reachout to us via (website name) Support to get started here.
#2 — Get API credentials
Contact (website name) to receive x-client-id and x-client-secret details. These credentials are required to make API calls on Sandbox or Production.
#3 — Integrate on Sandbox
The URLs you would need for this API—
- Sandbox—
https://dg-sandbox.(website name).co
- Production—
https://dg.(website name).co
- Headers—Contact (website name) for providing the credentials required to
successfully call (website name) APIs. This contains:
#Verify GST
Call this API to verify gstin number provided by your customer. The request param are.
is the gstin value. It may belong to different categories like Company, Trust, Goverment, Firm,_ etc.
While testing on Sandbox, you may use the following sample values—
- Use
for a valid GST - Use
for a valid GST with additional address present. - If you use any other values for
, you will get a inavlid gstin response.
Type 1 (open by default)
Your request has a valid gstin
and (website name) has
processed your request successfully.
and (website name) has
processed your request successfully.Request
POST /api/verify/gst{"gstin": "27AAICB3918J1CT"}
You will get the following details—
{"data": {"address": {"additional": [],"principle": {"buildingName": "MESH COMPLEX","buildingNumber": "WAREHOUSE H","city": "","district": "Thane","floorNo": "SURVEY NO. 35/4, 36/2","latitude": "","location": "BHIWANDI","longitude": "","naturePlaceOfBusiness": "","pinCode": "421302","stateCode": "Maharashtra","street": "SARAVALI"}},"company": {"constitutionOfBusiness": "Private Limited Company","name": "XYZ SELLER SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED","natureOfBusinessActivity": "","state": "State - Maharashtra,Zone - Thane,Division - THANE CITY,Charge - BHIWANDI_701","status": "Active","taxPayerType": "Tax Collector (Electronic Commerce Operator)","tradeName": "XYZ SELLER SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED","type": "Private Limited Company"},"gst": {"dateOfCancellation": "","id": "27AAICB3918J1CT","lastUpdatedDate": "","registrationDate": "12/10/2018"},"jurisdiction": {"centre": "Commissionerate - BHIWANDI,Division - DIVISION IV,Range - RANGE-I (Jurisdictional Office)","centreCode": "VQ0401","state": "State - Maharashtra,Zone - Thane,Division - THANE CITY,Charge - BHIWANDI_701","stateCode": "MHCG1425"}},"message": "","requestId": "e347e79b-dddc-49c1-b266-afb2c44843e8","verification": "success","traceId": "1-633f22e0-6eb8245d7043f93e1bf83604"}
Success valid GSTIN with additional address
(website name) has processed your request successfully, the
is valid and has additional address.
is valid and has additional address.
POST /api/verify/gst{"gstin": "27AAICB3919J1CT"}
You will get the following details—
{"data": {"address": {"additional": [{"buildingName": "","buildingNumber": "DOOR NO, 17","city": "","district": "Dakshina Kannada","floorNo": "1ST FLOOR","latitude": "","location": "ONNAKATTE KULAI OF MANGALORE","longitude": "","naturePlaceOfBusiness": "Office / Sale Office","pinCode": "575019","stateCode": "Karnataka","street": "XYZ COMPLEX OPP MAHILA MANDALA"}],"principle": {"buildingName": "MESH COMPLEX","buildingNumber": "WAREHOUSE H","city": "","district": "Thane","floorNo": "SURVEY NO. 35/4, 36/2","latitude": "","location": "BHIWANDI","longitude": "","naturePlaceOfBusiness": "","pinCode": "421302","stateCode": "Maharashtra","street": "SARAVALI"}},"company": {"constitutionOfBusiness": "Private Limited Company","name": "XYZ SELLER SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED","natureOfBusinessActivity": "","state": "State - Maharashtra,Zone - Thane,Division - THANE CITY,Charge - BHIWANDI_701","status": "Active","taxPayerType": "Tax Collector (Electronic Commerce Operator)","tradeName": "XYZ SELLER SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED","type": "Private Limited Company"},"gst": {"dateOfCancellation": "","id": "27AAICB3918J1CT","lastUpdatedDate": "","registrationDate": "12/10/2018"},"jurisdiction": {"centre": "Commissionerate - BHIWANDI,Division - DIVISION IV,Range - RANGE-I (Jurisdictional Office)","centreCode": "VQ0401","state": "State - Maharashtra,Zone - Thane,Division - THANE CITY,Charge - BHIWANDI_701","stateCode": "MHCG1425"}},"message": "","requestId": "e347e79b-dddc-49c1-b266-afb2c44843e8","verification": "success","traceId": "1-633f22e0-6eb8245d7043f93e1bf83604"}
Success invalid GSTIN
(website name) has processed your request successfully, but the
request has an invalid gstin
POST /api/verify/gst{"gstin": "27AAICA3918J1C"}
You will get the following details—
{"data": {},"message": "Invalid GSTIN / UID","requestId": "f8baadba-5f92-481c-9ce4-f5ba45af030b","verification": "success","traceId": "1-633c15e8-24825b38477426d4165bb6c2"}
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